agile man running

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Cross-Functional Team

Combined efforts lead to better software. Our Designers, Developers, and Engineers work together in real-time to improve the code and deliver the best product to the customer. Here are some of the services we provide:

software development plan

Evolutionary Development

Let the cloud rain prosperity over your business.

The rapidly developing world demands adaptability. In 2001, the Agile Project Management philosophy was introduced by 17 software specialists who emphasized development under the principles of flexibility, efficiency, and collaboration.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the numerous Agile frameworks. Its goal is to produce high-quality software at a fast pace and being able to adapt to customers changing requirements.

All our projects are developed following XP methodology:

  • Communication between members of the team at every stage of the project.
  • Simplicity of the code.
  • Feedback about frequently delivered software to improve a product.
  • Respect for every member of the team to reach a common goal.
  • Courage to test the results and quickly respond to changes.

Test-Driven Development

Short development cycles, lots of testing! We use a test-driven development technique (TTD) which means to write an automated unit test before the code itself. Every piece of code must pass the test to be released.

The Planning Game

The developers have an initial meeting with the client to discuss the characteristics of the product. Then, they write a plan and assign tasks. On-site Customer The customer participates actively in the development process.

Pair Programming

Two programmers work on the same piece of code at the same time. One writing, the other giving feedback, and fixing errors. This assures high-quality software every time!

Code Refactoring

We continuously review and improve code to make it as clean and simple as possible.

Continuous Integration

We deliver new pieces of code as soon as they are ready, to bring value to the customer in a short time. The team shares the code to be constantly testing and fixing errors.

Small Releases

We code and release the first version quickly and then continue developing the project and releasing small updates frequently.

Simple Design

The best design for software is the simplest one that works.

Coding Standards

Our team works under the same high-quality software development standards, using the same format for code writing to be shared, read, tested, and fixed constantly.

Collective Code Ownership

All the team is responsible for the results of the project. Each team member can edit the code as needed.

System Metaphor

The coding structure must be understandable to new people. The naming of classes and methods should be coherent and easy to read.

Programmer’s work conditions

Extreme Programming projects require developers to work fast and efficiently to deliver high-quality software. To do this, the team must have the best working conditions. We are committed to delivering the best software in record time.